Now you can have a luau anywhere, anytime!
Hawaii Bound International
Think luaus can only be held in Hawaii? Think again. Thanks to Hawaii Bound International’s online store and web site, you can host a luau anywhere at anytime! Simply order your party decorations and other amenities from Hawaii Bound International and you are on your way to experiencing a real luau (well, as close as you can get outside the beautiful tropical paradise that is Hawaii).
First of all, you HAVE to have a grass skirt set with lei – it is absolutely essential! Both children and adult sizes are available. You might even consider a coconut bikini! The second thing that is a must-have for your luau is a Prosperity Tiki Ambient Light (Visit us Today.) This light will definitely set a Hawaiian tone. Other selections include a God of Money Tiki Ambient Light and a Hula Girl Ambient Light. They all use a 15 watt bulb and are approximately 16 inches tall. After your luau, this light can prove most helpful beside your Tiki bar or another living area of your home to bring a Hawaiian feel to the setting.
Along with an ambient light, mood lighting can accent the festivities. A nice sea turtle laser-crafted LED mood light will accommodate quite nicely (Mood Lights. This light can help turn the luau area into a happy party atmosphere with two featured settings: a strobe light or a flickering candle.
Other key ingredients to a successful luau could include Hawaiian-designed accessories such as placemats and napkins, oven mitts, wine bottle and wine glass accessories, a bottle opener, butter spreaders, salt and pepper shakers, Tiki coffee mugs, a Hawaiian cookie jar, and gorgeous Hawaiian wood baskets. All these accessories can be found at Great Deals here.
Hawaii Bound International sells a variety of Hawaiian gifts, souvenirs, and collectible items, all for incredibly reasonable prices. Plus, on orders totaling over $75.00, the shipping is free! That is an excellent added incentive to buy your luau necessities from this wonderful online store.
When you visit Hawaii Bound International’s online store, always be sure to check the New Arrivals! and Clearance sections, too, as they can provide you with unique gift ideas at very affordable prices.
You cannot have a luau with a ukulele. These instruments have strong roots in Hawaii as immigrant Portuguese workers brought them aboard a ship bound for the sugar cane harvest in the early 1880s. Their delightful sounds have since been synonymous with Hawaii. The pleasant musical tones from a Hawaiian ukulele most definitely need to be strummed at your luau to bring the spirit of Hawaii to your guests. Check out the ukulele selection at Ukuleles
You might also want to purchase a few area rugs for the occasion of your luau. Selections available from Hawaii Bound International include rugs shaped like a surfboard or a pair of flip flops; one in the shape of a turtle or a Hawaiian shirt; or an area rug that has designs of the beautiful Hibiscus flower. These attractive area rugs will enhance your luau theme and festive Hawaiian party mood.
We’ll leave roasting the pig to you. However, a minor change in the menu could accommodate kabobs with pineapple and a nice ham from the corner grocery store. Don’t wait to get all the essential luau supplies and start planning for your luau today!
HURT100, long run, lots to say...
5 years ago